Free online tools for working out retirement income

Types of Pension Plans


Everyone needs to know how much money they are likely to receive as a retirement income. The problem is working out the figures is complicated. To make the job easier, here is a list of free and independent online calculators and checklists that are safe and simple to use.

They cover everything from how much to save and how long you might live to how the rising cost of living might affect your savings. The list is in no order, so just pick and choose the ones you need.

Check your state pension age

This is the age when you can start receiving state pension payments based on if you are a man or women and date of birth. As a bonus, the calculator can also tell when you can qualify for free bus travel.

Find out how much your pensions will be worth on retirement
This checklist indicates if your savings are on track and how much you need to set aside to hit those financial targets.

10 step guide to retirement

A guide to managing your retirement finances with an online calculator that estimates how much your fund is worth.

Compare annuity quotes online
A free online comparison tool for annuities that considers lifestyle, single and joint life options.

State pension forecast
Find out how much state pension you are likely to get on retirement.

Calculate how long you live
A serious effort designed to estimate how long you may live and the time you will spend in retirement.

Income drawdown calculator
Gives an idea of how long your pension pot will last once you start drawing out the money.

Cost of living checker
A calculator that shows how much rising inflation will impact on your finances in retirement.

ISA calculator
Tests how much an ISA could be worth against the cash you are putting away and the value of stocks and shares.

Remember – Don’t pin your hopes on the results, nor get too despondent if you don’t see the answers you wanted. These calculators are only best guesses and a lot can happen in a few years to change the results.
